Hit Counters

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Poker Update

Alright, Gonna try to keep this short...

First off,

Old Bankroll: 100
New Bankroll: 116.65
Difference: +16.65

So your looking at my difference are like "shite hes doin good he gained"...WRONG

Fuck mayn i suck at cashgames..seriously wtf wait till u see the graphs, also, +5 of my bankroll monies came from a bonus i got for playing Full Tilts new Rush poker... I'm also working on another bonus they've offered me but am no where near released even 20 dollars of it and at the stakes i play i'm lucky if i clear 20-40 of it by the time the offer expires (April 4th) - ill keep you updated on how that bonus is going tho...

So, I've never played online cashgames before, solely played SnGs with an occasional MTT, however, after looking at what most ppl play and how they all say there is less variance in cashgames i decided to give it a go. I knew that i would definiately not be a winner right away, but after 1000 total hands im down SEVEN buy-ins! = -35.....WTFFFFFFFF

Wow i never knew i sucked so much at teh pokerz....and its only flippin NL5!

My bread and butter game, SnGs are whats keeping me alive, but I only play them so often enough to just refu
nd the money i lost at the cash tables...

I Figure if i keep doing this (resupplying $$$ with SnGs then heading to the cashtables) i'll slowly become better and better...after all I'm somewhat losing less and less money each session played lol.

Now for the graphs,

First the worst of it,

And now for my recovery,

Bah, depressing to say the least....NL5 pwning me..

I'll keep working on it, and make another update when i hit another 1000 hands...maybe i should give shorthanded a try instead of fullring??

Pce out homes,

G'luck at the tables

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