Hit Counters

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the depression post..

ah i'm down to the felt guys...failed the mission :(

bankroll is down to like 5 bucks...

my instadebit account has just been approved too....

guess the plan is to go work for a few days with the pops and get a couple hundred and try to go after the young balla status online again...

i dont know exactly how long it will be before i get money up again, but i can tell you i do have a few ideas in my head at the moment of how to get the money. plus depositing this time wont be a hassle at all as i now have instadebit, and i'll be depositing straight into a site for a bonus; also; i prolly have around 50 dollars in rakeback headed my way so thats a good thing too....

i might just leave the 5 dollars in my account to add ontop of the rake back. not sure yet tho, might try entering like a big 5 dollar tourny or something too. all depends, but for now until i have the money, i'm gonna start actualy paying more attention in class and maybe actualy jot down a note or two....i finally figured out why going to school and getting a job is practically deemed manditory in society, its cuz if you fail reaching your damn dreams you actually have a backup plan already in the works...

anyways, prolly won't update the blog until i get money, which will prolly be in about a week to two weeks, who knows, maybe more maybe less....

good luck to all u and for goodness sake, set yourselves a damn stop-loss,

Vinnie Aces.

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