Hit Counters

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Newyears

Happy belated new years to everyone reading this!

So its been a bit o days since i last posted on here, but thats due to no pokerz being played for the last bit because of new years and family n all.

however today i got a good amount of games in....played the 6's, had great results, figured i'd do an 11 heads up, lost due to a 3 outter...tilt...increase stake....tilt.....go back to the 6's....TAKE MANEY!

Boosted the Bankroll up to 280.

Also went to the bank and got some papers, did a manual registration with Insta-debit today, Hopefuly that goes through by monday and then....

...Let the Bonus Whoring begin!

I figure to start off by hitting Titan Poker, then off to Party poker, all while getting kick backs and bonuses from Poker Source Online....they got some sick ass deals over there, and i wish i went straight with them instead of my current affiliate for full tilt :(

Even asked if i could some how switch over haha but i don't think that is going to happen :(

also i asked full tilt to change my username about a week and a half ago, they agreed to it and said they would forward my email to the correct department and it would be taken care of.....got an email a few days ago saying sorry for the delay but still nothing has been done. i suppose it is time to email them yet again.

anyways, i should get back on track with updating the blog, should be fun touring new sites to play on for bonuses too.



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