Hit Counters

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Poker Update

Alright, Gonna try to keep this short...

First off,

Old Bankroll: 100
New Bankroll: 116.65
Difference: +16.65

So your looking at my difference are like "shite hes doin good he gained"...WRONG

Fuck mayn i suck at cashgames..seriously wtf wait till u see the graphs, also, +5 of my bankroll monies came from a bonus i got for playing Full Tilts new Rush poker... I'm also working on another bonus they've offered me but am no where near released even 20 dollars of it and at the stakes i play i'm lucky if i clear 20-40 of it by the time the offer expires (April 4th) - ill keep you updated on how that bonus is going tho...

So, I've never played online cashgames before, solely played SnGs with an occasional MTT, however, after looking at what most ppl play and how they all say there is less variance in cashgames i decided to give it a go. I knew that i would definiately not be a winner right away, but after 1000 total hands im down SEVEN buy-ins! = -35.....WTFFFFFFFF

Wow i never knew i sucked so much at teh pokerz....and its only flippin NL5!

My bread and butter game, SnGs are whats keeping me alive, but I only play them so often enough to just refu
nd the money i lost at the cash tables...

I Figure if i keep doing this (resupplying $$$ with SnGs then heading to the cashtables) i'll slowly become better and better...after all I'm somewhat losing less and less money each session played lol.

Now for the graphs,

First the worst of it,

And now for my recovery,

Bah, depressing to say the least....NL5 pwning me..

I'll keep working on it, and make another update when i hit another 1000 hands...maybe i should give shorthanded a try instead of fullring??

Pce out homes,

G'luck at the tables

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Over...TDot representtttttttttt

Drakes doin big things lately, best part of it all is he's reppin my home, the city of T-O-R-O-N-T-O

download his newest single, Over, here

Drake - Over Download Link

On a sidenote, finished 1 test, got another one in about 16 hours, grinding out psychology day in n day out...

gonna make a poker related post within a few days tho...with graphs bitchez

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm comin back...

well, its been almost a year now..looking at my last post it looks like things probably didnt end up well with Titan poker..lawl

gonna depost back onto FTP, they offered me a bonus that i doubt ill be able to clear but hey even if i make a little bit of free money...well its free money right

gotta poker tracker 3 so ill be posting graphs

wont be playing much tho cuz im in the middle of a bunch of school shit but ill open up a few tables today maybe if i get the deposit and everything through.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

TiTaN SuCkS!

i friggen hate Titan...so yes i transfered the funds to Titan and everything went swell...well my 100 is down to like 68....i just hate the layout and it frusterates me and i play like poop. and clearing the bonus at NL5 is like impossible...but i have 60 days? so i think i might grind out NL5 till i get to like 200 bucks, then switch to NL10. Tryin to get the hang of multi tabling tho, i dont even think u can adjust the table size on titan tho.. i need to get to 4500 points, and im at like 90? shitty. i mean i can get like 9 points per every 5 dolalr sng i play tho....might go back to SnGs but the varience is effin annoying....dunno, gonna play 2m

Monday, January 12, 2009

possible revival?

ok ok so jus a quickie (l0l) as im playin in a SnG, logged in today to check if my rakeback kicked in yet for december and it did, got $37 in the account, translates to about 45 canadian. okay so the plan is to run this bitch up to $50 canadian, withdraw, take the 50 already saved up for next deposit, combine the two in some fusion money concauction, and deposit the $100 canadian on Titan poker through pokersource and get their free $100, plus the bonus from Titan, so after clearing the free money and the bonus i should be at around $250, not too shabby? ok ok, jus wanted to update everyone! back to my game, wish me luck! pcee

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the depression post..

ah i'm down to the felt guys...failed the mission :(

bankroll is down to like 5 bucks...

my instadebit account has just been approved too....

guess the plan is to go work for a few days with the pops and get a couple hundred and try to go after the young balla status online again...

i dont know exactly how long it will be before i get money up again, but i can tell you i do have a few ideas in my head at the moment of how to get the money. plus depositing this time wont be a hassle at all as i now have instadebit, and i'll be depositing straight into a site for a bonus; also; i prolly have around 50 dollars in rakeback headed my way so thats a good thing too....

i might just leave the 5 dollars in my account to add ontop of the rake back. not sure yet tho, might try entering like a big 5 dollar tourny or something too. all depends, but for now until i have the money, i'm gonna start actualy paying more attention in class and maybe actualy jot down a note or two....i finally figured out why going to school and getting a job is practically deemed manditory in society, its cuz if you fail reaching your damn dreams you actually have a backup plan already in the works...

anyways, prolly won't update the blog until i get money, which will prolly be in about a week to two weeks, who knows, maybe more maybe less....

good luck to all u and for goodness sake, set yourselves a damn stop-loss,

Vinnie Aces.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Newyears

Happy belated new years to everyone reading this!

So its been a bit o days since i last posted on here, but thats due to no pokerz being played for the last bit because of new years and family n all.

however today i got a good amount of games in....played the 6's, had great results, figured i'd do an 11 heads up, lost due to a 3 outter...tilt...increase stake....tilt.....go back to the 6's....TAKE MANEY!

Boosted the Bankroll up to 280.

Also went to the bank and got some papers, did a manual registration with Insta-debit today, Hopefuly that goes through by monday and then....

...Let the Bonus Whoring begin!

I figure to start off by hitting Titan Poker, then off to Party poker, all while getting kick backs and bonuses from Poker Source Online....they got some sick ass deals over there, and i wish i went straight with them instead of my current affiliate for full tilt :(

Even asked if i could some how switch over haha but i don't think that is going to happen :(

also i asked full tilt to change my username about a week and a half ago, they agreed to it and said they would forward my email to the correct department and it would be taken care of.....got an email a few days ago saying sorry for the delay but still nothing has been done. i suppose it is time to email them yet again.

anyways, i should get back on track with updating the blog, should be fun touring new sites to play on for bonuses too.

