Hit Counters

Monday, December 29, 2008


ok.....done for the day, at least till late tonight....craziest day of swings in life...at least for me haha,

started the day off with 167....down to 16......up to and now staying at 230.... i need to take a course on bankroll management or something cuz the emotions that come along with poker due to this are retarded and have prolly caused a few pimples lmao. its just that once u taste the higher stakes...u go blood thirsty and are on this frenzy for monies....and now i look at the 6 dollar turbos and im like the F do.....i wanna take higher maney. but i think a break, recollecting my thoughts, chillin with the gf or friends, and then ill be able to go back to donkfest poker 101.

i'm thinkin of withdrawing 100 when i hit either 300 or 400, not sure which number yet but i need the monies to buy a new cell phone now :@

and congratz to that guy on 2p2 who made the thread in BBV where he entered all the majors and 3.5x his bankroll in 10 hours!

BR: 230

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