Hit Counters

Monday, December 29, 2008


ok.....done for the day, at least till late tonight....craziest day of swings in life...at least for me haha,

started the day off with 167....down to 16......up to and now staying at 230.... i need to take a course on bankroll management or something cuz the emotions that come along with poker due to this are retarded and have prolly caused a few pimples lmao. its just that once u taste the higher stakes...u go blood thirsty and are on this frenzy for monies....and now i look at the 6 dollar turbos and im like the F do.....i wanna take higher maney. but i think a break, recollecting my thoughts, chillin with the gf or friends, and then ill be able to go back to donkfest poker 101.

i'm thinkin of withdrawing 100 when i hit either 300 or 400, not sure which number yet but i need the monies to buy a new cell phone now :@

and congratz to that guy on 2p2 who made the thread in BBV where he entered all the majors and 3.5x his bankroll in 10 hours!

BR: 230

Sunday, December 28, 2008

[x] hung over

had wayyyyyyyyyy too much to drink last night and now im feelin the effects....awesome. i was drinking everything from wine to tequila (hell yes it was petron). the only type of alcohol i did NOT drink last night was champaigne....and thats prolly jus cuz u cant get a glass of it at a club unless ur poppin some cristal haha. anyways, last night was too sick, went to a wedding party and then to Muzik nightclub in Toronto (place is ballin').

for the shitty news about poker to go on top of this drunken madness, i found out i still cant control my tilt. Lost a lot of my bankroll trying to chase my losses rlly rlly rlly late after the christmas party at my house. down to 168...... fuken gotta go back to the 5s? might take a couple shot at the 11's tho and see how it goes first before dedicating to the 5's again....i rlly rlly rlly wanna just buy into a 100+115 6man SnG and take the 400 first place prize.....

for some even worse news i lost my cell phone and my card holder and the club last night....fuck me.

buttt for some good news i bought a sick stereo system for my ipod and the bass is poundin!

Thx 2 everyone msging me about my blog and for reading it - i'll post your blog links up on the side soon!
-Vinnie Aces

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!


...wish everyone reading this the best to you and your familes.

now on to pokerz.


Yeeeee, I did it! I now have enough monies ($330) to play in the 11 Dollar SnG's according to my bankroll management guidelines. Hopefully now the monies will be coming in twice as fast haha. Excited to play and hit the $400 mark soon as i hear the play between the $6's and the $11's isn't too different, however I'm hearing more skill is required if your aiming to play the $20's, and I highly doubt i will be since i'm planning on switching over to Cash games at the next level.

Sorry if this blog is kind of bland without any graphs or anything either, I plan on buying poker tracker and using its 60 day free pass once I start up cash games. Hopefully PT will help me multi-table but not become an autopilot.

So in short:

*Poker Tracker Graphs Coming Soon!

*Bankroll: $330

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Broke the Barrier!!!

Yesssssss!!!!, 3 days after my last post, i've played a bunch of games and i've lost track of what games i have played. I Do however remember testing my luck at a super turbo (start with 300 chips) and came second haha. I've gotten sucked out on MANY times since the last update; but i've managed to overcome them and stayed up till like 7am each night regaining my losses and reaching new heights.

I made a mental goal to beat the $5 stake by January the 1st, and looks like i've accomplished that with 10 days to spare ;)

Though my luck at hitting first place in the $6 turbos is starting to swing down again :( However, i'll soon be done at these stakes, and moving to the $11 turbos very shortly

Current Roll: 302 ;) ,

Bankroll Management Note: Will be moving up to the $11's once i reach $330.

Goal Update: Hit $500 by Jan 16th (xmass, newyears, and school starting on the 5th = less time to play)

P.S - Woot.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

1 tabling rocks haha

okay so i dont use a poker tracker or a HUD so clearly 1 tabling helps me out a lot since i can focus on the players....

since my last update i've played jus 11 matches, and i placed in 4 of em :)

Eight$6 SnGs, 2 $6 Headsup and an $11 dollar heads up

I've won all the headsup, and i've placed first in 3 of the SnGs, second in 1, and lost the other 4

All in all, twas a good day at teh interwebz pokah as i've made 53 dollars :)

Bankroll: 201 ;)

P.s $10 SnGs - i'm comin for u!
P.p.s - is neone even readin this!!??

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

cuz im back up on my grindddd (8)

yessssssssssss! the downswing has been broken, and alas the no first place finishes have as well!

since my last post i've played a total of 24 games. Six of those games have been 6-man SnGs, One of them was a $5 dollar tournament with 260 people, and the rest were HeadsUp matches.

out of my 6-man SnG's i cashed in 4 of them, not too shabby, only one of the cashes was my first place finish though.

My headsup game is okay, but its definiately on the rise, i took first in about 60% of them, and won em when it really mattered.

The 260-man tournament went really well, lots of donks in there. I got sucked out on 2 times in a row at the end by 3 outters, it was disgusting lol, that finished me from taking the serious monies and i came 17th. Only got paid like 8.75 or somethin small like that :( First place was up for 290 bucks....that woulda got me out of these $5 dollar games!

I think from now on im going to play the $6 dollar turbos as thats actualy where i took down first place :)

cya at the tables!

Bankroll: 148

Sunday, December 14, 2008

effin downswings

Ok so since my last upswing, its just been downhill from there...
I can not for the love of humanity come first in a $5 dollar 6 man SnG any more! Over the weekend i played a total of 16 SnGs, and 9 Headsup matches. My normal win rate of around 80%? Through the window! Out of the 16 SnGs, i only placed FOUR TIMES!!!! and take a guess....none of those 4 times were even first place finishes, only seconds! errrr...so neway, during the crappy downswings of the SnGs, i was playing heads up matches inbetween, ranging from $5-11. Gotta say that even tho i've been getting sucked out and coolered on like a million times, i think i still needa just improve my game. I Won 5/9 of the Headsup matches, still pretty crappy if you ask me. I think the main reason i'm not cashing in the money is because i've been experimenting with starting to multi-table. I realised i've been cashing so high before because of focusing on simply one table at a time....i figure i'll go back to this until i get the roll moving again and then instead of jumping straight to 4 tables at once, i'll play 2 tops.

anyway, i had a nice n relaxing time with the girlfriend last night, we even watched a bit of Rounders together :) maybe that'll get me rollin again!

Current Roll: 101

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stressful Weekend; Hectic Monday

So all weekend i barely played poker, had finals plus midterms and have been studying. Toppin all that also had some other issues. All n all, i still made profit =) , andd i resolved all my issues but one, I HAVE A LINGUISTICS MIDTERM TOMORROW MORNING AND DUNNO WTF IS GOING ON!

aside from that, since my last post i've played a total of 11 games lmao. I played a 45 man $5 dollar mtt and got knocked out when my pocket 8's couldnt hold up against someones pocket 44's.....knocked out round 30th...

Next was an $11 dollar headsup match, which i know was not part of my bankroll management, but i ended up taking it down, and the $11 was nice padding for the roll :)

then i went back to my regular $5 dollar 6-man games, played a total of 9 of these. I lost 4 of them, came second place in 1 of them, and came first place in the other 4 games. 5/9 cashes....not too bad but also not my usual 80% win-rate in these games.

Anywho, studying sucks, but im'a get started on it! Prolly end up playing a game after a few hours of reading =D

Roll Update: 141 (almost doubled initial buy in...5 bucks away!)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fridays Work

So... I just woke up after a long night, ( i hate waking up so late !!!)

Anyways, yesterday was a pretty successful day at the $5 dollar, 6 man Sit n Goes. I'd say im cashing in the money about 85% of the time so far, of course my sample size is really small still, and this might just be the upside of varience, but im well-known to crush these games. Anyways i probably got in about...4-6 games yesterday while worrying about my biology exam coming up...damn university. I also was able to transfer the remainder of my monies to my main account and will contact FTP to close the other one soon enough. Nothing to noteable from last night in terms of hands or plays, everything went pretty straight ABC. Did throw away one game though early on from not paying attention :( . Anyways, gonna go play a few more games, and keep studying for bio, probably not going to update the blog until Monday or so since I will only probably get in another 4-6 games tonight, and probably only 1-2 tomorrow. Thx for reading and GL at the tables!

Roll Update: 81 Turned to 102 ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday December 05 2008

Okay...so last night I bought a prepaid mastercard for 100.....got home, tried depositing the 100....and then realized that the Canadian dollar dropped again and Fulltilt Poker uses American monies...:( , so, i was only able to put on 78 dollars....of which i then gave 5 to my friend for driving me to the bank and to the store....son of a... anyways, i only played a few games for the night, but turned my 73 into 81....i then realized i had an old account on their with rakeback so i'm proceeding to transfer all my funds to that account, which takes forever because FTP keeps declining my transactions, grrr.

I got about half the money transferred over so i'm going to play a few games soon and then give an update on the bankroll again either tomorrow morning or late tonight....thanks for reading!!!

P.S title should be changed to ..."From 73 to 1000" haha
P.P.S Current Roll: 81 ;)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Mission:
Alright, so i've deposited before, each time around 100 dollars and each time I was able to run it up to about 4-500 dollars in about 2-3 weeks time.....however....letting my personal life affect my poker life was a giant mistake, and so Tilt become my new best friend...

This time things are gonna be different though, at least i'm telling myself that for some encouragement, I'll only be playing poker when im sober, not stressed/mad, and when am alone with no distractions (tv, msn, phone, etc). Either today or next wednesday (the 10th), I shall be depositing yet another $100, depending on if i have time today due to having to study for exams coming up. Anyway, the goal will be to turn this $100 into $1000 within about 2 or so months, not gonna do any hail Mary's if im nearing the deadline and aren't quite at my goal though. It's just so that i'm more goal-oriented. I'll also be doin all this on Fulltilt Poker, just because who wouldn't eventually want to take thousands of dollars off of Phil Ivey ;)

The Gameplan:

Since i'm only depositing $100 and I'm a firm believer, or so i like to say, in bankroll management, i'll be using the generic, 30x the buy-in for SnG's and 20x the buy-in for Ring Games. This means that since FullTilt oddly has a higher rake on their NL10 games, im gonna be starting off in the $5 dollar SnGs because anything lower than that and i feel like im wasting my time and turn into a donk! After i shall move up in buy-ins for the SnGs accordingly untill i reach the halfway mark - $500! From there i shall start playing NL25, ABC Poker throughout!