Hit Counters

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stressful Weekend; Hectic Monday

So all weekend i barely played poker, had finals plus midterms and have been studying. Toppin all that also had some other issues. All n all, i still made profit =) , andd i resolved all my issues but one, I HAVE A LINGUISTICS MIDTERM TOMORROW MORNING AND DUNNO WTF IS GOING ON!

aside from that, since my last post i've played a total of 11 games lmao. I played a 45 man $5 dollar mtt and got knocked out when my pocket 8's couldnt hold up against someones pocket 44's.....knocked out round 30th...

Next was an $11 dollar headsup match, which i know was not part of my bankroll management, but i ended up taking it down, and the $11 was nice padding for the roll :)

then i went back to my regular $5 dollar 6-man games, played a total of 9 of these. I lost 4 of them, came second place in 1 of them, and came first place in the other 4 games. 5/9 cashes....not too bad but also not my usual 80% win-rate in these games.

Anywho, studying sucks, but im'a get started on it! Prolly end up playing a game after a few hours of reading =D

Roll Update: 141 (almost doubled initial buy in...5 bucks away!)

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