Hit Counters

Thursday, December 18, 2008

1 tabling rocks haha

okay so i dont use a poker tracker or a HUD so clearly 1 tabling helps me out a lot since i can focus on the players....

since my last update i've played jus 11 matches, and i placed in 4 of em :)

Eight$6 SnGs, 2 $6 Headsup and an $11 dollar heads up

I've won all the headsup, and i've placed first in 3 of the SnGs, second in 1, and lost the other 4

All in all, twas a good day at teh interwebz pokah as i've made 53 dollars :)

Bankroll: 201 ;)

P.s $10 SnGs - i'm comin for u!
P.p.s - is neone even readin this!!??


Anonymous said...

I am reading it. Just a tip - get a counter for your blog. You will realize a lot more people are looking then you think.

Anonymous said...

I read it!

GG, you're tempting me into playing some SNG's...